Trash Preperation
Bag, tie and place trash in the provided BenCo container. Please break down cardboard and double bag all pet waste. No loose trash, bags over 25 lbs, glass or sharp objects, and oversized items.
Place tied trash/ recycling bag(s) in the BenCo provided containers in designated areas between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm on scheduled service nights. Please note that we pick up on time!
Evening Collection
Bring the container(s) back inside by 9 am the next morning. Containers left out during the day may result in interruption of their service. Valet service not provided on major holidays.
Resident Text/Voice Line
Text or call us at (512)123-4567 whenever you have questions or problems that may arise. We are here to make sure that our service is unquestionably the best in the industry!
Bulk Item Removal
Do you have large items that need to be hauled away? Contact us and we will remove it from your hands…for free.
Single Stream Recycling
Putting all of your recyclables in one bag makes going green really easy. Check out our Recycling Guide page to see what we accept as recyclable!